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Day % Statistics:

What are the Day % Statistics?

The Day % Statistics are a way to forecast future market movements based upon recent daily price movements.  The Day % Statistics are based on market behavior for each day of the week.  It is a short-term forecasting tool that looks at one day at a time in the markets.

What are the two views of the Day % Statistics?

The Day % Statistics is offered in two views for each symbol.  The first view is the raw statistics view.  The second view is the ranking view. 

How Does the Ranking View Work for the Day % Statistics?

The rankings are based on a system of 1 to 5.  Each number represents a ranking.  1= Highest, 2 = High, 3= Middle 4= Low, 5=Lowest.  The numbers are also color-coded.  1=Dark Green, 2 = Green, 3 = Yellow, 4 = Red and 5 = Dark Red. 

What are the three different categories in the Day % Statistics?

There are 3 categories for the Day % Statistics: Up, Big, and Rev.

What do the different categories in the Day % Statistics mean?

Up represents the percent chance that the market goes up on that day of the week.  A ranking of 1 for the Up represents the highest probability that the market goes up that day or the lowest chance that the market goes down that day.  A ranking of 5 for the Up represents the lowest probability that the market goes up or the highest chance that it goes down.  Big represents the potential for a Big Run on that day of the week.  A ranking of 1 for the Big represents the highest probability that a big run-up occurs on that day and the lowest probability of a big run down.  A ranking of 5 for the Big represents the lowest probability that a big run-up occurs on that day and the lowest probability of a big run-up. Rev represents the potential for the market to reverse its direction from the previous day of the week.  A ranking of 1 represents the highest chance of reversal and the lowest chance of continuation from the previous day.  A ranking of 5 represents the lowest chance of reversal and the highest chance of continuation from the previous day.

Fed Juice 3.0:

What is the Fed Juice 3.0?

The Fed Juice 3.0 is a long/short trading system to balances the activities of the Federal Reserve with market price action.

How Often is the Fed Juice 3.0 Updated?

The Fed Juice 3.0 is updated daily. 

When is the Fed Juice 3.0 Updated?

Usually, the Fed Juice 3.0 is updated daily around 1:00 PM-1:30 PM ET.  However, there are times when more time is needed to collect data during heavy Fed activity.  This was the case in the 2020 COVID market crash.  The Fed was purchasing up to 90 billion dollars per day and it took until 3:00 PM ET to get a final read on the daily Fed activity. 

Does the Fed Juice 3.0 Use Targets are Stops?

The Fed Juice 3.0 is an "always in" trading system.  Since it measures the energy flow of the Federal Reserve Targets and Stops do not work on the system.

What is the Best Way to Use the Fed Juice 3.0?

The Fed Juice 3.0 is used to establish long-term trends.  It can be used as a trading system in the long term.  Or across the short term, you can align other indicators like the Day % Statistics, Double Optimized Lunar, 4-6 day cycle, or Best RSI indicator.

Dollar Juice 1.0:

What is the Dollar Juice 1.0?

The Dollar Juice 1.0 is a long/short trading system to balances the relative strength of the US Dollar with market price action.  This trading system is very important because it allows up to measure how a market is performing relative to the US Dollar.  This is critical because many markets such as the S&P, Gold, and Currencies move opposite of the US Dollar.  When the US Dollar gets weak it puts pressure on other markets to go up.  When the US Dollar gets strong it puts pressure on other markets to go down.  This can be confusing because the US Dollar can create temporary fake-outs in other markets that are not true moves.  The Dollar Juice distills the true move of a market by balancing out the influence of the dollar.  For example, if a market is rallying with the US Dollar then this is a sign of relative strength in the market (because the market typically falls when the US Dollar rallies).  So the Dollar Juice would show a buy because the market is rallying with the US Dollar.  In a recent move in the S&P in September 2021, the market started falling before the Dollar made a strong rally.  This means that the market was weak relative to the US Dollar. So the Dollar Juice detected this and remained in a downtrend.

Best RSI:

What is the Best RSI?

The Best RSI is s simplistic model that helps to determine short-term RSI pressure.  It is an indicator that helps you determine regression to the mean.  This can be used for very short-term trades.

Double Optimized Lunar Cycle:

What is the Double Optimized Lunar Cycle?

The Double Optimized Lunar Cycle is a cycle that is used to forecast the future.  Unlike the Fed Juice 3.0 (which is determined by daily price action and the Federal Reserve) the Double Optimized Lunar Cycle gives you a solid medium-term forecast model.


4-6 Day Cycle:

What is the 4-6 Day Cycle?

The 4-6 Day Cycle is a very short term cycle that is used to forecast the future.  It is a much short range than the Double Lunar Cycle which is typically around 27-30 days.

Stock/ETF Charting General:

What is the order from highest to the lowest time frame of indicators to use on the Stock/ETF Service?

Fed Juice 3.0, Double Lunar, 4-6 Day Cycle, Best RSI, Day % Statistics


Stock/ETF Charting General:

What is the order from highest to the lowest time frame of indicators to use on the Stock/ETF Service?

Fed Juice 3.0, Double Lunar, 4-6 Day Cycle, Best RSI, Day % Statistics

S&P Service:

What is the Platinum Service?

  1. The Wolf Trader Futures Platinum Subscription Service is a long and short swing trading service that also includes live twitter feed throughout the day.

  2. There are multiple systems last from day trades up to weekly time frames.

Platinum Service:

What is the Platinum Service?

  1. The Wolf Trader Futures Platinum Subscription Service is a long and short swing trading service that also includes live twitter feed throughout the day.

  2. There are multiple systems last from day trades up to weekly time frames.

  3. In addition to the live updates, the service includes full access to the website for all newsletter services


Whom is this Platinum Service recommended for?

  1. This service is recommended for experienced traders who can deal with the risk of loss in volatile situations. 

  2. If you (by chance) start the first trade during a drawdown, the risk of loss can be high.

Where is the Platinum Service located?

  1. There is a separate login page for the Platinum Service on the Wolf Trader Futures website. 

  2. These results are not posted on Twitter as the Gold Service is.

  3. The upcoming trades and results will be posted on the Platinum Web Page on the Platinum Trade Board, a google slide.

What different trading systems does that Platinum System have?

  1. Fed Internals 2-4 Week Time Frame (but can go for months)

    1. The Fed Internals track the broad-based activities of the Federal Reserve. 

    2. Symbols include S&P 500. 

    3. There are no targets or stops for this system.

  2. Fed Juice 3.0 Futures (1-10 Days)

    1. The Fed Juice 3.0 tracks medium-term activities of the Federal Reserve.

    2. Futures Symbols Include Copper, Silver, Gold, Corn, Natural Gas, Oil, US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, British Pound, Euro, Japanese Dollar, Australian Dollar, Euro Dollar, Bitcoin, 10 Year Bond, S&P 500.

    3. There are no targets or stops for this system.

  3. Fed Juice 3.0 Stocks/ETF (1-10 Days)

    1. The Fed Juice 3.0 tracks medium-term activities of the Federal Reserve.

    2. Stock/ ETF Symbols Include Gold Miners, Apple, Tesla, Broadcom, Caterpillar, Bank of America, Short Term Volatility. 

    3. There will be more Stock/ETF symbols added in the future. 

    4. There are no targets or stops for this system.

  4. Pairs Trader 3.0 (1-10 Days)

    1. The Pairs Trader 3.0 trades two commodities together as a pairs trade.

    2. Symbols include Corn/ Wheat and Yen/ Pound.

    3. There are no targets or stops for this system. 

    4. Ideally, this is a low volatility strategy, but recent dislocations in the grains markets have made this system more volatile.

  5. Fast Fed 2.9 “Big Runs” (3-6 Days)

    1. The Fast Fed 2.9 Big Runs trades medium-term cycle patterns.

    2. The Algorithm has just been updated in September 2021.

    3. Symbols include S&P, Gold, Oil, and Corn.  More will be coming soon.

    4. There are wide targets and stops for this system. 

    5. The risk and reward are both great for this.  Beware: Only trade this if you have a large appetite for risk.  There can be large losses but also large gains.

  6. Fed Juice Skynet 4.1 (1-5 Day)

    1. The Fed Juice Skynet 4.1 trades.

    2. Symbols Include S&P.

    3. There are targets and stops are this system.

  7. EZ Timer (Intra Day Trader)

    1. EZ Timer trades 24 hours a day from 6:00 PM ET to market close.

    2. This is best traded with futures.

    3. Symbols Include S&P and Gold.

    4. There are targets and stops for this system.

  8. Option Spreads

    1. We have started trading options credit spreads.

    2. These are usually on Stocks or ETFs with about 4-5 days to expiration.

What are the suggested capital and contract size?

  1. The suggested capital for each symbol will vary. 

  2. For Gold, Oil, and the S&P, the recommended capital for the Big Runs is $20,000, and the recommended contract size is one micro contract. 

  3. One micro contract does not sound like a lot. But this system continues to trade throughout the month, so there is always another trade coming. 

  4. Gains, as well as losses, can pile up quickly.

What is the risk per trade?

  1. There are limits and stops based on market volatility. 

  2. The typical risk varies depending on the trading system.  The risk is between $500-$1000 per micro contract per trade on the Fast Fed and EZ Timer. 

  3. But the risk can be more because of the historic volatility we see in financial markets.

  4. There is a risk of drawdown per trade, and some months will have losing months as a whole.

  5. If you use the recommended $20,000 minimum account size, that will be about a 2% max loss per trade.  But it could be more.

  6. On trades without stops, the risk can be unlimited, so it is up to you to manage risk.  Even pairs trades can become unbalanced.


What about Commission and Slippage?

  1. These results are presented in a hypothetical situation.  They do not account for slippage, commissions, or stops filling past the stop price.

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